CIP 141: Major Shifts in Canada's Start-Up and Self Employed PR Programs with Pantea Jafari

Episode 141: Impacts of the Closure of the Self-Employed Persons Program and Changes to the Startup Visa

Host: Mark Holthe
Guests: Alicia Backman-Beharry, Pantea Jafari
Date: May 13, 2024

Introduction: Welcome to Episode 141 of the Canadian Immigration Podcast. In this episode, we dive into the recent changes and closures of two significant immigration streams: the Self-Employed Persons Program and the Startup Visa Program. Joining me today are Alicia Backman-Beharry and special guest Pantea Jafari, who brings a wealth of experience from her extensive work with self-employed candidates.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Recent Changes to the Startup Visa Program:

    • The government's announcement on April 29 regarding new restrictions.
    • Cap introduced on support by business incubators, venture capital, and angel investor groups, limiting them to endorsing only 10 startups each.
    • Introduction of priority processing for members of Canada's Tech Network.
  2. Closure of the Self-Employed Persons Program:

    • Sudden closure of the program as of April 30, leaving many potential applicants and stakeholders in a lurch.
    • Discussion on the implications of the closure and the government's lack of notice.
    • Pantea Jafari's insights into the potential reasons behind the closure, including the targeting of specific demographics and concerns over program costs.
  3. Discussion on the Government's Approach:

    • Examination of the government's pattern of responding to program issues.
    • Impact of these changes on Canada's image as a destination for innovative businesses and cultural professionals.
    • The future of these immigration streams and possible government reforms.
  4. Advice for Affected Individuals:

    • Strategies for individuals who were considering these now-closed or altered pathways.
    • Discussion on alternative immigration options and the importance of seeking timely and expert advice.

Conclusion: Mark, Alicia, and Pantea discuss the broader implications of these immigration changes and what the future might hold, especially with an upcoming election that could influence immigration policies further.

Join Us Next Time: Don't miss our next episode, where we will continue to explore the latest developments in Canadian immigration law and policy. Subscribe to stay updated!

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